df <- read.csv2("")
# Original link:
# To change: ->
# and skip blob/
years <- paste(2010:2023) #, sep=",", collapse= ","
years <- unlist(strsplit(years, ","))
new_cnames <- c("region", "status", "area", years)
colnames(df) <- new_cnames
df |>
kable() |>
#> [1] "|region |status |area | 2010| 2011| 2012| 2013| 2014| 2015| 2016| 2017| 2018| 2019| 2020| 2021| 2022| 2023|"
#> [2] "|:--------------------------|:--------|:-------|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|"
#> [3] "|Republic of Karakalpakstan |marriage |city | 7756| 7982| 7431| 7490| 6630| 6236| 5641| 6234| 6643| 6748| 5327| 7535| 6906| 6160|"
#> [4] "|Andijan region |marriage |city | 13108| 11893| 13923| 14568| 13473| 12392| 12617| 13274| 14656| 15073| 14796| 14526| 13432| 12717|"
#> [5] "|Bukhara region |marriage |city | 16528| 16914| 12285| 6276| 6301| 5709| 5665| 6021| 5611| 5721| 5422| 6412| 6805| 6110|"
#> [6] "|Jizzakh region |marriage |city | 4004| 4355| 4572| 4961| 5244| 5074| 4841| 5356| 6160| 6031| 5726| 6021| 6118| 6178|"