Datasource: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Datastorage: GitHub
data <- read.csv2 ("" )
years <- paste (2010 : 2023 ) #, sep=",", collapse= ","
years <- unlist (strsplit (years, "," ))
new_cnames <- c ("region" , "status" , "area" , years)
colnames (data) <- new_cnames
rmarkdown:: paged_table (sample_n (data, 10 )) # show sample 10 rows
# oder {r, df_print = "paged"}
# sample_n(data_raw, 10
pivot data
df<- data
# pivot data
df |>
pivot_longer (
cols = ! c (region, status, area),
names_to = "year" ,
values_to = "value"
df_pv |>
sample_n (7 )
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#> region status area year value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Samarkand region marriage city 2011 10492
#> 2 Surkhandarya region divorce village 2011 351
#> 3 Fergana region marriage city 2010 18121
#> 4 Tashkent region marriage village 2013 14242
#> 5 Fergana region divorce village 2020 1144
#> 6 Surkhandarya region marriage city 2014 7591
#> 7 Surkhandarya region divorce city 2011 281
prepare data for plot
df_pl <-
pivot_longer (
cols = ! c (region, status, area),
names_to = "year" ,
values_to = "value"
) |>
group_by (year, status) |>
summarise (value = sum (value)) |>
mutate (
#frame = row_number(),
year = as.integer (year),
value = case_when (
status == "divorce" ~ round (value/ 1000 , 1 )*- 1 ,
TRUE ~ round (value/ 1000 , 1 ))
) |>
ungroup ()
head (df_pl)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> year status value
#> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2010 divorce -14.3
#> 2 2010 marriage 273.
#> 3 2011 divorce -15.1
#> 4 2011 marriage 269.
#> 5 2012 divorce -14.3
#> 6 2012 marriage 280.
pyramid #1
# Title/subtitle/datasource
data_source <- "©Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan"
p_title <- "<br>Браки и разводы в Узбекистане в 2010-2023 гг."
p_subtitle <- ""
# caption
social_caption <- glue:: glue (
"<span style = 'color:skyblue3;'><i><strong><br>DataSource: {data_source} <br/></strong></i></span> Plot by:
<span style='color: #C4302B; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{yt_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #C4302B'>{yt_username}</span> |
<span style='color: #e1306c; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{ins_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #e1306c'>{ins_username}</span> |
<span style='color: #24A1DE; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{tg_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #24A1DE'>{tg_username}<br></span>"
# caption
social_caption_anim <- glue:: glue (
" <span style='color: #C4302B; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{yt_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #C4302B'>{yt_username}</span> |
<span style='color: #e1306c; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{ins_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #e1306c'>{ins_username}</span> |
<span style='color: #24A1DE; font-family: \" Font Awesome 6 Brands \" ;'>{tg_icon};</span>
<span style='color: #24A1DE'>{tg_username}<br></span>"
f_path <- "C:/Users/sultanov/Documents/fontawesome/otfs/"
sysfonts:: font_add (
family = 'Font Awesome 6 Brands' ,
regular = paste0 (f_path, "Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf" ))
showtext:: showtext_auto ()
# create plot
pl <-
ggplot (df_pl, aes (x= year, y= value, fill= status)) +
geom_bar (position = position_dodge (width= 1 ), stat= 'identity' ) +
scale_x_continuous (breaks = c (seq (2010 ,2023 )), labels = c (seq (2010 ,2023 , 1 )))+
geom_label (aes (label = paste (abs (value), "k" )),
colour = "white" , fill = "steelblue4" , fontface= "bold" , size= 3.5 ) +
# facet with ggpol
facet_share (~ status, dir = "h" , scales = "free" , reverse_num = TRUE )+
coord_flip () +
# title, cap, ..
labs (
title = p_title,
caption = social_caption,
y = "Число браков и разводов в тысячах" ,
x = NULL
) +
# theme, format
theme_update ()+
theme (
plot.title = element_markdown (
size = 16 , color = "steelblue4" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
plot.caption = ggtext:: element_markdown (size = 14 , hjust = 0.5 ),
legend.position = "none" ,
axis.title.x = element_text (size = 12 ),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank (),
panel.background = element_rect (fill = "ghostwhite" ),
plot.background = element_rect (fill = "azure2" ),
strip.background = element_rect (fill = "linen" , color = "steelblue" )
# Show plot
pl_2 <-
ggplot (data = df_pl,
aes (x = year, y = value, fill = status)) +
geom_bar (stat = "identity" ) + #, position = "dodge"
scale_y_continuous (
breaks = c (seq (- 300 , 300 , by = 50 )),
#labels = c(seq(300, 0, -50), seq(50, 300, 50)),
labels = function (x) paste0 (abs (x), "k" )) +
scale_x_continuous (breaks = c (seq (2010 ,2023 )), labels = c (seq (2010 ,2023 , 1 )))+
coord_flip () +
geom_label (aes (label= abs (value)), color = "white" ) +
labs (
title = p_title,
caption = social_caption,
y = NULL ,
x = NULL ) +
theme_minimal ()+
theme (
plot.title = element_textbox (
size = 14 , color = "steelblue4" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
plot.caption = ggtext:: element_markdown (size = 12 , hjust = 0.5 ),
legend.position = "top" ,
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank ()
# show plot
animated plot for marriage
# marriage
plt_anim_mar <-
df_pl |>
filter (status == "marriage" ) |>
mutate (value = abs (value)) |> # weil df_pl divor values nigativ
ggplot (aes (x = as_factor (year), y = value, fill = value))+
geom_col ()+
scale_colour_brewer (type = "div" , palette = "BuGn" , direction = 1 )+
scale_y_continuous (limits = c (0 , 300 ),breaks = seq (0 , 300 , 50 ),
labels = function (x) paste0 (x, "k" ))+
geom_text (aes (label = round (value)),
vjust = 1.5 , nudge_y = 0.5 , color = "white" , size = 4 )+
labs (
title = "Заключенные браки" , #: {closest_state}
#subtitle = "{closest_state}",
caption = social_caption_anim,
y = "Количество браков (в тысячах, k = 1000)" ,
x = NULL ) +
theme_minimal ()+
theme (
plot.title = element_text (size = 16 , color = "steelblue4" , hjust = 0.5 ),
plot.caption = element_textbox (size = 14 , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.title.y = element_text (size = 11 , vjust = - 0.5 ),
legend.position = "none" ,
panel.grid = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line (color = "white" ),
panel.ontop = TRUE ,
) +
#scale_fill_distiller(palette = "red", direction = -1) +
transition_states (year, wrap = FALSE , transition_length = 14 )+
view_follow (fixed_y = TRUE )+
shadow_mark ()
anim1 <-
animate (
duration = 15 ,
start_pause = 5 ,
end_pause = 10 ,
renderer = gifski_renderer ()
animated plot for divorce
# divorce
plt_anim_div <-
df_pl |>
filter (status == "divorce" ) |>
mutate (value = abs (value)) |> # weil df_pl status=divorce values nigativ
ggplot (aes (x = as_factor (year), y = value, fill = value))+
geom_col ()+
scale_fill_distiller (palette = "Reds" , direction = 1 )+
scale_y_continuous (limits = c (0 , 50 ),breaks = seq (0 , 50 , 5 ),
labels = function (x) paste0 (x, "k" ))+
geom_text (aes (label = round (value,1 )),
vjust = 2 , nudge_y = 0.5 , color = "lightblue" , size = 4 )+
labs (
title = "Разводы" , #: {closest_state}
caption = social_caption_anim,
y = "Количество разводов (в тысячах, k = 1000)" ,
x = NULL ) +
theme_minimal ()+
theme (
plot.title = element_text (size = 16 , color = "steelblue4" , hjust = 0.5 ),
plot.caption = element_markdown (size = 14 , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.title.y = element_text (size = 11 , vjust = - 0.5 ),
legend.position = "none" ,
panel.grid = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line (color = "white" ),
panel.ontop = TRUE ) +
#scale_fill_distiller(palette = "red", direction = -1) +
transition_states (year, wrap = FALSE )+
view_follow (fixed_y = TRUE )+
shadow_mark ()
anim2 <-
animate (
duration = 15 ,
start_pause = 5 ,
end_pause = 10 ,
renderer = gifski_renderer ()
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